The Principles of Addiction Recovery

    In order to live a full, meaningful life, it’s important to have healthy relationships with yourself and others. When addiction takes over your life, it seems impossible to enjoy anything without drug use. It’s all too easy for fear and guilt to take over your life and keep you from moving forward. You don’t have to give up on your addiction recovery though; there are many support groups, mutual aid and alcohol rehabilitation centers out there that can help you reach sobriety. Understanding the disease of addiction recovery and the process of behavioral change can help you make the transition.

    How a Drug Affects Your Brain

    When considering how to get free from addiction, it’s important to understand how drugs negatively affect your mind. Drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines can change your brain chemistry while making you feel better. When you become addicted to these substances, your brain starts releasing more dopamine than usual. Your brain releases dopamine when it has an activity it finds pleasurable, for example when you see or hear something that makes you laugh. Jason Shiers of Wide World Coaching who is a Certified Psychotherapist and Certified Transformative Coach says “regardless of the drug’s effect on the brain, addiction recovery is possible at any point, the system is always working exactly as it should, and it only needs to be left alone to return to an equilibrium.” 

    Process of Behavioral Change

    Addiction recovery involves more than giving up the substance that’s causing the addiction. It’s important to understand why you’re using drugs to get sober, and then to make a plan to change your behavior. For example, some people turn to heroin for the first time because they become depressed after years of abusing alcohol and prescription drugs. Others start abusing drugs as a way of dealing with their emotions. Either of these types of emotional problems can be overcome. You don’t have to stay stuck in your addiction recovery, and you shouldn’t wait until your life is falling apart before you reach out to others for help.

    How a Support Group Can Help

    If you’re looking to make positive changes in your life, there are many support groups out there that can help. For example, Narcotics Anonymous is a 12-step program that helps addicts learn how to live a sober life. In addition to these recovery programs, there are many other organizations you can join to aid your sobriety. If you’re struggling with addiction, the sooner you reach out for help, the better off you’ll be.

    Addiction Recovery is Not Impossible

    If you have a drug addiction, there is help that can make life better for you. Don’t wait until it’s too late to ask for help; recovery from addiction isn’t impossible, but it will take time and lots of hard work on your part. The sooner you move forward, the better off you’ll feel.

    Addiction Recovery is Worthwhile

    It takes a lot of dedication and perseverance to overcome addiction, but it’s possible to live a full life without drugs. If you’re not sure how to start your recovery, or if you just want advice on how to move forward in your recovery, reach out to a support group for help today. Remember: addiction is no laughing matter; it’s serious business and will take time to overcome. Don’t give up on your free life, however. Addiction recovery is worth it.

    It’s a lifelong process

    Addiction recovery is a lifelong process and one that’s best handled with professional help and support. If you or a loved one has been struggling with addiction but has been unwilling to seek treatment, go ahead and get the help you need before things get worse. You don’t have to continue living a life dictated by drugs and alcohol; let us help you find the motivation to begin your recovery today.

    Creating a Life without Drugs is Possible

    In order to live a full life, it’s important to have healthy relationships with yourself and others. When addiction takes over your life, however, it seems impossible to enjoy anything without drug use. It’s all too easy for fear and guilt to take over your life and keep you from moving forward. You don’t have to give up on your addiction recovery though; there are many support groups out there that can help you reach sobriety. Understanding the disease of addiction recovery and the process of behavioral change can help you make the transition.


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