Advertorial Submission Guideline

    Thank you for your interest in posting with us!

    New Theory is always looking for companies that want to help us promote great businesses, break news, and also add thought-provoking commentary about life and the world around us. We are alright with adding links in exchange for pay, but only if they meet the New Theory standard of quality.

    Our paid article contribution program allows business owners to post content at $99 per article for most topics, with $149 being the minimum for adult industry, gambling and crypto related content. This program allows you to get two links to the sites you want to promote, plus the prestige that comes with the New Theory name.

    We want to deliver excellent clickthrough rates and high quality SEO return for our clients. As such, we hold the following guidelines as criteria for acceptance:


    Your article will not be read without offering value to readers. We want to have articles that satisfy one of the three standards:

    • It offers unique, in-depth information that’s useful to the reader. You want to avoid stating the obvious as advice, especially when you want to add a link to a business. If you want to write an advice article, it’s best to use a quote from the owner of the business you are linking to.
    • It breaks news. News can be anything from a major advance in your industry to gossip about your favorite television show.
    • It rethinks or analyses something that is overlooked in society. Thought-provoking work is always welcome!


    All articles have to be authoritative and factual. New Theory doesn’t publish hateful, racist, or anti-science propaganda. Any articles that breach this standard will be automatically rejected.

    Grammar and Readability

    New Theory does not accept poorly written articles, since they do not benefit anyone. Before an article can be submitted, please ensure that:

    • It’s written in proper English. Grammar matters. Make sure that your article has crisp, native English wording and proper punctuation. Articles missing commas, display capitalization mistakes, or are high in grammatical errors will be rejected.
    • It’s formatted well. We do not accept articles that are poorly formatted. This includes article titles, which need to be formatted using AP style title capitalization.
    • SEO practices aren’t heavy handed. Keep keywords under 1.5 percent. Unnatural-sounding keyword stuffing will be removed.
    • Please keep articles above 1,000 words in length. We want some substance with our content!

    Minor errors will be corrected by our editorial staff, however, if too many errors exist, we will have to reject.

    We Can Help You Create Amazing Content!

    Not sure what to write about, or what topics will work with New Theory? Ask us, and we will be able to help you out. Asking our staff can also help you get free promotion for exceptional articles.

    Please note that all paid submissions will be listed as Branded Content.