It’s no secret that Ellen DeGeneres is always at the forefront of anything worthy of being brought to light. Not only that, but she is always up on the new trends… especially when it is something near and dear to her heart, such as dancing.
Imagine how shocking it must have been for Jeremiah Hall and Kevin Vincent, the two young Jersey boys who created the new dancing craze “The Running Man Challenge”, to find out they went viral. It all started in their finance class when they decided to record themselves dancing to 1990’s hit “My Boo”… and the rest is history.
Everyone from news anchors to professional athletes to entire police precincts are participating, posting, and passing along their version of the Running Man Challenge. It’s just f#$king awesome, really.
Check out the full video of how their dance challenge went viral and how it felt to have their work be recreated by some of the top sports teams of our time:
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Want to see more? Check out this Vine Compilation of athletes all around the world dong the Running Man Challenge:
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It even went as far as across the pond to New Zealand who then challenged the NYPD. You have to watch this!
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Anything that can unite the world and make people happy is okay by us!