Meet One of Europe’s Most Promising Media and Publishing Entrepreneurs: Andrea Giunti

    Andrea Giunti Lombardo is a 22-year-old innovating his family business, with over 1000+ employees and a quarter billion dollar in USD yearly revenue. He has had a long and impressive list of achievements beginning with the start of his entrepreneurial career at the early age of 13-year-old organizing events in Florence with thousands of people. Andrea has always been interested in the communication and marketing part of organizational events since he was a teen. From an early age, he was able to make small profits and it allowed him and his friends to make some money by themselves. Andrea loved being financially independent and he believed it was a really fun time in his life. Andrea loves music and people having fun together in a safe environment; So they managed to collaborate with many promoters and established organizations, with some events hosting thousands of people, including international guests.”

    Steps Towards His Future 

    Andrea has always been adamant about attending post-primary school and pursuing a higher degree. After attending freshman year at NYU in Shanghai, China, Andrea Giunti Lombardo decided to drop out and join his family business, one of the largest and most prestigious publishing houses in Europe. 

    He enrolled at NYU when he was 17, so he started working in his family business when I was just 18 years old. He didn’t have any prior experience in publishing but was fascinated by the concepts of virality and digital media. So he’s spent the past few years learning about how the traditional media works and its business models”. 

    After leaving NYU, Andrea continued his studies online and at some executive courses such as the Columbia Business school’s executive education in NYC and the Yale school of management publishing course in New Haven. In 2019 he was able to attend the coveted Singularity University Executive Education Program at the NASA Ames Research Center in California. 

    What Does the Future Look Like for Andrea

    Andrea’s focus is to gradually reorient his family business into adopting a digital-first approach in the fast-changing media industry and to expand into new markets while preserving and leading the traditional print business.

    Andrea Giunti is only 22 years old and is already setting the foundation to become an innovative and remarkable entrepreneur within the boundaries of everything in the media. He will spend the next few years perfecting his craft of utilizing virality in digital media growth, traveling the world, and learning to innovate the quickly changing publishing Industry.

    Pursuing his passions in the fields of technology, media, and entrepreneurship, Andrea is interested in the general development and growth of his family business, it’s social media presence and new ways to monetize its content online and offline, in Italy and abroad.


    • Tony "Disrupt" Delgado

      CEO of Disrupt Magazine

      Tony Delgado ( @disruptceo ) is a Puerto Rican-American software developer, businessman, activist, philanthropist, tech entrepreneur, and founder of Disrupt Magazine.

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