Is Choosing Organic Formula Enough?

    Whether you’re a parent who is currently researching baby formula for your baby or considering changing your baby’s formula to an organic one, you may ask yourself if an organic baby formula is the best way to go for your little one. This is a very common question many parents ask themselves when searching for baby formula. Choosing organic is the first step to take towards deciding on something that could be better for your little one, and this article will help you with deciphering the rest.

    Just focusing on the ingredients being organically sourced, but ignoring which ingredients are inside the formula can be misleading. Not all organic baby formulas are the same. You’ll want to look for baby formulas with the best kind of protein, fat, vitamins, and minimal corn syrup rather than it just being labeled organic. For example, organic corn syrup is still corn syrup. Just because it is labeled organic does not always mean the ingredients are healthy.

    Now, you may ask, how do I know how to choose the best baby formula for my little one? Well, the first step you can take is to compare baby formulas on the market and see what the benefits are in each one and what it offers your little one through every stage of their growth and development. When searching for the highest quality baby formula, you want to make sure to look for a baby formula whose ingredients have as many properties and nutrients as you would find in breast milk. Unfortunately, on your formula hunt, you will discover that many top formula brands contain artificial ingredients and chemicals that do more harm than good to your baby’s growth. But you will also come across European formulas, which surprisingly do not contain artificial ingredients and chemicals, unlike other formula brands that are on the market today. European formulas are quickly becoming parents’ favorite choices to nourish their little ones every day. 

    Here’s a more in-depth look into European formula ingredients

    European formulas do not contain any GMOs, are pesticide-free, include DHA, have no artificial sweeteners, no chemicals, and no fillers. Some brands have probiotics as well as prebiotics, while others choose not to include them at all. European formulas only contain naturally-occurring sweeteners. You can feel confident and safe knowing that European formulas provide the most wholesome nutrition overall designed to nourish your little one through every stage of development; therefore, you know that your baby is receiving the best type of formula there is on the market. European formulas follow strict regulations, even the non-organic European formulas follow strict guidelines! This means baby formulas from Europe will come out on top over other brands that are currently on the market today. 

    Quick EU baby formula selection

    Step One:

    The first step in selecting the right formula for your little one is choosing the right carbohydrate, like lactose, a carbohydrate found in breastmilk. In return, lactose-based baby formulas are much more similar to breast milk than any other alternatives. You are also searching for a lower glycemic index than processing refined sugars, which lactose offers; therefore, it aids in the absorption of calcium, which helps with beneficial gut bacteria and more. 

    Step Two:

    Step two is looking for prebiotics, which naturally occurs in breastmilk. Prebiotics are beneficial to gut bacteria and are beneficial to your baby’s microbiome. Probiotics may help improve your baby’s immune response, reduce colic, and so many more benefits. 

    Step Three:

    Choose formulas with DHA. DHA is something you might consider having in your little one’s formula because it is a long-chain omega-three fatty acid important in the early eye and brain development. DHA is also found naturally in breastmilk and is a beneficial, vital nutrient in baby formula because sometimes babies may need more DHA than their little bodies can generate on their own. Things to consider about the DHA – whether it is plant-sourced, animal-sourced, or artificially created. Plant-sourced DHA is derived from the most naturally processing and vegetarian friendly. Animal sourced would be from fish oil, which is also healthy, but be concerned about the hexane extraction process. The EU formula brands ensure there is no leftover hexane through the process, whereas other formula companies may not be as considerate. The artificially created DHA was generated in a lab and may not be as effective or safe for a baby as the more naturally occurring DHA.

    European formulas thrive above all the rest of the baby formulas that are on the market today regarding their nutritional value and the health they offer to your little ones. They also provide parents many options with the cleanest organic ingredients you will find. You will watch your little ones strive and grow in each stage of their development using European baby formula. Speaking of obtaining the best for your little ones, here are some tips for choosing the best overnight diaper for your baby; this is sure to help you and shed some light on overnight diapers.


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