Oklahoma Governor Stitt signed the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Use and Patient Protection Act into law on March 12, 2019. The Act, often known as the medical marijuana “Unity Bill,” alters the state’s medical marijuana statute to provide a framework for adopting dispensary licenses, as well as to amend and clarify who must be accommodated in the workplace if they use medical marijuana. It’s difficult to believe that Oklahoma, of all places, could enact one of the most tolerant cannabis laws in the country, but it’s true. Oklahoma has made it easy for anyone who believes they would benefit from medical marijuana to obtain an Oklahoma medical marijuana card.
This bill is applicable to all states. If Texoma is approved, Texans will be able to go just across the border to Oklahoma to receive a medical marijuana card. Law enforcement organizations are reminding people that possession of marijuana is still illegal in Texas, regardless of how or where it was purchased. Because it is prohibited in Texas, they would have to consume medical marijuana in Oklahoma.
Does My Prescription for Medical Marijuana From Texas Work in Oklahoma?
As these prescriptions are not medical marijuana cards, they cannot be applied in another state. As stated in the statute, any low-dose THC treatment advised under the “Compassionate Care Act” cannot be moved across state boundaries.
Epilepsy, other forms of seizure disorder, spasticity, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), autism and other spectrum disorders, chronic traumatic encephalopathy/traumatic brain injury, cancer, and a long list of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, vascular dementia, Pick’s dementia, and Parkinson’s disease are all eligible circumstances for medical cannabis in Texas.
Sadly, Texas does not currently recognize some diseases that are recognized in other jurisdictions as ailments that would benefit from medical cannabis. Anxiety, PTSD, glaucoma, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, bipolar disorder, fibromyalgia, rheumatic disorders, or any pain or addiction problems are among these disorders.
Obtaining a Medical Marijuana Card Online in Oklahoma
Because telemedicine is approved for medical marijuana patients, you can obtain your Oklahoma MMJ Card online. This makes it quick and simple to apply, and it allows people who are unable to attend a doctor’s office to still obtain the necessary medical products.
As a telemedicine platform that assists people in simply obtaining their medical marijuana cards, numerous platforms have assisted their clients in swiftly and securely obtaining an Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card online. We’ve put up this helpful guide to answer all of your questions and help people understand the necessity of applying for their Oklahoma MMJ Card through the simple, HIPAA-compliant process.
Who is Eligible to Apply?
You must be a legal resident of Oklahoma to apply for a Medical Marijuana Card. Patients must be at least 18 years old to apply for a medicinal marijuana card. Minors (those under the age of 18) must be represented by carers while applying.
The state website does not specify what caregivers must provide when applying, but you must include the medical marijuana license number for the patient for whom you will be acting as a caregiver at the time of application. Caregivers must be at least 21 years old. There is no application fee for caregivers.
How Do You Apply?
The application process for the program is rather simple. Nonetheless, if you are an Oklahoma citizen over the age of 18 and believe that medical marijuana is a realistic choice, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Contact a Doctor and Make an Appointment
Oklahoma physicians are not compelled to participate in the medicinal marijuana program. Family physicians, in particular, are frequently hesitant to participate in the process. Fortunately, the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) website contains a list of physicians.
A doctor is not required to register with the OMMA before completing a Physician Recommendation Form. However, using a registered doctor expedites the process. When you go to the doctor’s office, bring a blank copy of the Recommendation Form with you. You must explain why you believe you require an MMJ card.
Get Your Certificate
This is a certificate stating that your doctor advises you to become a cannabis patient under the present state legislation, and it is required to apply for your MMJ Card.
Step 2: Fill out the Application on the Government’s Website
Apply online to the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA). As part of the application, you will need to upload various forms of identification as well as your Leafwell medical marijuana doctor’s certificate. You must complete this within 30 days of approval.
Documentation required for your state application
When completing your state application documents, make sure you have:
- A digital, color copy of your proof of state residencies, such as your Oklahoma driver’s license or identification, voter identification card, a utility bill (such as electric, gas, or water, not a cell phone or Internet bill), a deed to your residential property, or a current residential rental agreement.
- A digital color copy of your evidence of identities, such as your Oklahoma driver’s license or I.D., US passport, Tribal I.D. card, or US Bureau of Indian Affairs I.D. card.
- A digital, full-color snapshot of your entire face, with a neutral expression, on a white or off-white background.
Within 30 days of submitting your online state registration application, you must have your Physician Recommendation Form signed and dated.
Step 3: Wait for Your Card and Go to a Dispensary
After you have submitted your application and paid the fees, OMMA will review it. If you are approved, you will get an approval letter in the mail within 14 days of submitting your application. You will also receive a valid MMJ card, which will allow you to purchase medical marijuana from dispensaries.
If any required documents are missing from the application, you will be contacted by email. Unless revoked by the OMMA, your card is good for two years. If your application is declined due to unmet requirements, you will get a letter of refusal in the mail within 14 days of submitting it.
If you need more information, please contact the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority.
What Can an MMJ Card Get You in Oklahoma?
You may possess the following items as an MMJ Cardholder in Oklahoma:
- Up to 3oz of marijuana in your possession of flowers
- Up to 8oz of flower marijuana at your home
- 1oz of potent marijuana
- 72oz of edible marijuana
Marijuana for recreational use is prohibited. Possession without a license is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine.
In a private residence, you can cultivate up to six mature plants (in addition to six seedlings). Possession of more than eight ounces, on the other hand, is unlawful. As a result, after harvesting your crop, you must process or dispose of it. It is illegal to sell cannabis unless you have a specific license, and it is also illegal to donate cannabis.
Final Thoughts
Cannabis is still illegal on a federal level, and authorities in neighboring states are on the lookout for anybody attempting to transport cannabis across state lines. Keep in mind that Texas has among of the highest possession fines in the country.
You can’t even get cannabis delivered from a dispensary. Unfortunately, unlike California, Oklahoma does not permit convenient delivery services. If you are unable to travel to a dispensary and require delivery, you can name a caregiver in your state application documents who will pick up and deliver cannabis for you.