How to Manage Money as a College Student

    OES services for college students

    College life requires a great waste of time, effort and money. Yet, some students struggle to get money for a living without having enough time for some part-time job earnings. Still, there is a way out for every college student to manage personal finances and cover all the expenses with no hurdles. All you need to do is to learn how to manage your budget, earn a little more, and save with no major sacrifices. Do some exploration and operate your college finances with no hurdles.

    Create a Budget

    Begin with creating a budget for your personal savings, earnings and waste. Write down all your income and spending issues and analyze them. Once you can review your financial operations you will be able to decrease unnecessary waste, plan big purchases, control your earnings and so on. This also can be done with the app, which will be even more convenient since your phone is always at hand. So, create a budget for a week, month and even a year, and try to stick to it to hold your finances under control.

    Manage College Supplies

    You may not notice it but your college books and other study supplies will drain your wallet decently. Yet, you may affect this for your benefit. Here are simple ideas you can reduce waste on study sources:

    • Buy used books
    • Sell your already used materials
    • Share study materials with a friend or roommate
    • Use electronic books and share their price
    • Exploit only reliable assisting sources for a decent price, such as Pro-papers

    Save a Little

    It is always good to save a little. If you cannot stick to a certain sum you are going to save, you may think of a certain part of your monthly income. And the best way to have a spare coin is to collect your earnings for a certain aim. If you know the final target and its cost, it will be easier to plan the whole saving process and cut on unnecessary expenses. 

    More to this you can always automate your savings by having a special account and part of your monthly income transferred there automatically. This will deprive you of the temptation to spend the money you are to save. 

    Get Free Entertainment

    Clubbing and going out with large spendings is not the only option to have fun. Try to reduce the number of evenings you get entertained with a decent sum spent. It doesn’t mean you have to stay in and study all the time. You only need to find your own way of spending a good time with friends and not wasting a lot. Get time outdoors, play some sports together, stay in and rent a movie, play board games at someone’s house, organize a party with homemade food. There are many ways to get some fun for peanuts. You only need to wish it and get friends with the same desires,

    No Automated Payments

    When you plan a budget you can review how much you spend on some unnecessary subscriptions and monthly waste. Look through the list and aim to eliminate unnecessary programs, share study sources spendings with friends, opt for bargains and discounts. Summing up your reduced waste will turn into a great source of savings. 

    Cook at Home

    Eating out, having a burger for lunch and coffee for breakfast, buying snacks and sweets, all is summing up for enormous waste. The only and best deal is to cook at home. This will take some time, yet, will add to your health and savings a lot. 

    Homemade food is always healthier than a readymade one, coffee is as tasty at home as at a coffee shop, snacks and daily meals can be precooked at the weekends and taken to the college with you. 

    Mind, that cutting on food expenses doesn’t mean to eat less and skip some daily meals but eat healthier and cook it. Try it out and you will be delighted with the outcomes. 

    Earn Some Money

    All the students have some part-time jobs. So, you can give it a chance as well. It doesn’t need to interfere with your studies or reduce the necessary sleep hours, but to be planned thoroughly. You can work during the college year, or in summer only, it is up to you. There are plenty of things you may do, you only need to encounter the right time and have a desire to. Walk the dogs, work online, work as a shop assistant or waiter, tutor other students. Options are endless. The choice is up to you.

    Control Your Minor Waste

    Sometimes you spend $5 for this and $5 for that which don’t count a lot. But when you sum everything up at the end of the month, you may get shocked at the final sum. So, aim to reduce not only costly expenses but refuse from minor waste as well. A piece of clothes at discount, another cup of coffee at Starbucks, just a nice room decoration, all can pile up and make a decent amount, you can prevent spending on. So, the next time when you wish to waste another five bucks for nonsense, better put it aside to save. 


    Being in a college or living an adult life, it is necessary to handle your income and expenses with a sound mind. Create a budget and track your money flows, cut on your food and fun expenses but don’t reduce the quality, find a way to earn some good money and control your financial relationships with ease. Don’t get concentrated on money issues only, but manage everything wisely not to let your finances control your life.


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