How To Get a New Stream Of Income Amid the Pandemic With Tyler Espitia

    At this point, everyone, even a child, knows that everything is not as usual. For the people who had white-collar jobs only the change is even greater. Most of them have suffered layoffs, pay cuts, and reduced hours. This has brought enormous financial strains to many people. The world has also entered an era that will mark a paradigm shift on how jobs and businesses are done. Most people who had 9-5 jobs may find it hard to recover to their previous positions. ‘There is hope for them,’ Tyler Espitia, a 23-year-old veteran entrepreneur, says.

    Think, And Grow Rich

    Tyler has proven to be one of the greatest minds in the modern entrepreneurship space. His story about the effects of CoronaVirus Disease is entirely different. ‘The pandemic should be a wake-up call for those who were living with one source of income and those who rely fully on the securities offered by their jobs,’ Tyler adds. He advises that wise people should use this pandemic as an eye-opener. He adds that there is a need for them to get other streams of income. Being more creative is a requirement that he says can be a stepping stone to multiple sources of income. He explains how providing solutions for people is an income-generating opportunity if well structured.

    How Tyler is Helping People Amid Corona Pandemic

    Tyler is quick to mention that with the unpredictability of the pandemic, it is prudent for people to get into entrepreneurship. No one knows when it will end fully. ‘Getting creative as early as now and using the people around you to make you is the only way to survive the rest of this outbreak,’ he says. He adds that ‘CoronaVirus is one pandemic; who knows whether there will be another one in future?’

    In a recent interview, Tyler started by mentioning how thinking about what people need – or are struggling with is a crucial step. He mentioned that you should take bold action and stand out to be the one who will help people solve their problems. ‘It doesn’t matter if it is an independent contractor for DoorDash, Uber, Lyft, etc.; they can be what you need to bring some income and be in control,’ he says.

    Use COVID as a Stepping Stone

    ‘There has never been a perfect time for buying stocks like now,’ he continues. ‘This is due to the discounts being offered by most companies’ he adds. He mentioned how the wise investors are now researching to acquire companies or buy shares. When the pandemic is over, they will be at a lofty position with a considerable percentage of shares. 

    When everyone is complaining about how the pandemic has been the source of his downfall, Tyler, the modern entrepreneur explains how you can use that to identify a niche and instead of falling, you’ll fly high above the storms. Tyler has been helping people use what they have to move into entrepreneurship and win big. ‘Even your passions can be monetized!’ he concludes.


    • Tony "Disrupt" Delgado

      CEO of Disrupt Magazine

      Tony Delgado ( @disruptceo ) is a Puerto Rican-American software developer, businessman, activist, philanthropist, tech entrepreneur, and founder of Disrupt Magazine.

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