In this era of technological innovation, everything has changed. We eat food off plates that stay warm, drink beer from pitchers that miraculously keep on filling, and we have dynamic home décor to spice things up. These things are just one side of the story, but the essential element that has changed in our lives is the way we do business.
Gone are the days when sales associates used to go knocking on doors to sell products and services to dejected homemakers and retirees who were too bored to do anything else. These things don’t just cut it anymore, and it’s not because the new generation (so-called millennial) are too ambivert to talk to salespeople—it’s just that these methods are obsolete to the greatest extent.
With the rise of digital marketing, it has become a whole lot adventurous for businesses to take care of stuff. After all, there is one marketplace where more than 50% of the world population can be found roaming around at the same time—the internet. Digital marketing is all about harnessing the power of the internet to make consumer experiences eerily personal and tailor-made.
Digital marketing is built with an arsenal of tools and one such weapon for digital marketers is Search Engine Optimization—or SEO—as you know it. Nearly every 25 years old has this word in his/her vocabulary and loves to use it to show how technologically updated s/he is. We are all pretty much aware of the concept of SEO, but one thing we don’t look at is the effect that SEO efficiently has on business operations.
Knowing is one thing, and putting it into use is another. If you know about SEO and you aren’t using it, you are in big trouble. Let’s talk about ways in which SEO can make or break your business and how you can profit from it.
- Your Website Feeds on Organic Traffic
In this modern-day and age where there’s a website before there’s even a business, it is essential to understand that organic traffic would be the initial food and fodder of any given site. A company can build its offline presence based on what it does online, and the best way to do that is by bringing in more and more organic traffic. SEO is pretty much about doing that.
Organic traffic is free of cost, and if your website is SEO friendly. Almost 70% of the internet goes on Google to search stuff online, and that’s where the real battleground is. Every website and business wants itself to rank on the first spot of the first page. But it’s a very strategic road to the number one spot, which involves getting a good SEO score.
- Your Business Builds on Trust
Trust, commitment, quality, and integrity are some of the critical factors that any enterprise is built upon. SEO is not one of them at the moment (but it will be soon!), but to build that trust, your enterprise has been presented in a good light. Any experienced SEO workhorse knows that a neat and clean website with customer-friendly UI and appealing outlook would win people over.
Many high-quality websites exist on the internet, but not all of them are ranking on top of the search pages. With SEO backing up your digital properties, it is rest assured that your business would surely be trusted when it’s on top of the search-pile and it exemplifies what the enterprise does most straightforwardly.
- It Goes Beyond the Ranks
Are organic rankings integral? Yes. But are they supposed to be the only factor that can walk businesses through the stairway to heaven? No! Apart from how high you rank and how visible you are, one very crucial factor is user experience or UI/UX, as they call it. These factors play an integral role in calculating your SEO score, as to how your website looks determine what people will feel when they flow through it.
A good SEO game is all about leveraging on user experience to build a sense of trust. There are a lot of shady ways to bring in website traffic, but your business and SEO score will upscale only if you intend to serve your target audience, not just click-bait them to get more visits.
- Local SEO—find Pink Cows amongst the Herd
Whenever we think digital marketing, SEO, SMO, and whatnot, we wish to present our business on a large scale to the whole of the internet. Of course, there’s nothing wrong in that. But one factor that we tend to miss is practicality. With mobile traffic skyrocketing in figures, the local search factor is something that we seem to forget about.
SEO on a local scale is all about gearing up digital properties in accordance with specific geographical locations and local vicinities. Not only does the local factor influence people who search for it, but the specifics in SEO make it relatively more straightforward to crack its matrix for the enterprise to rank in it. You can also use other local businesses in your vicinities with good SEO scores and request for back-links to strengthen your rating.
- SEO has an Impact on Customer Buying Behavior
Gone are the days when customers just used to walk into a store, listen to that pushy sales guy and buy whatever he had to offer. The consumer is still the king of metaphorical marketing kingdom, and the fact that it’s gone digital doesn’t change anything there. Consumers are more oriented to do their research. Now that the buyer has too much to look for, s/he will consider every resource at disposal before making a move.
Come to think of it, and this is a challenge for businesses. But this is also an opportunity to offer customers what they want, and SEO will get you there. The buying cycle of a customer can be influenced in the right direction if the SEO game is done right. When brands and enterprises present themselves as a valuable asset, nobody can stop them from connecting with the right customers that will undoubtedly go for their product/service if they find it useful enough.
That being said, it’s safe to say that SEO is a virtual bird that can make or break a business.
But What on Earth is My Website’s “SEO Score”?
If you read the word “SEO Score” and you are wondering what’s yours, then don’t worry—it doesn’t take rocket science to calculate your SEO Score.
You can calculate the SEO Score in just 15 seconds, and this 9-page SEO Score audit can be downloaded and looked at for free—visit the link below and enter your URL. Even if you wish to look at benchmarks, you can check out SEO Scores of your competitors with Yeah! Local.
Now that you know how crucial SEO is, you understand that a good SEO score is a bridge to the top spot on the rankings. Know your SEO score and build it for the best with the SEO score audit!