As exam time draws near, students often begin frantically searching for different ways to boost brain power to get through the tough test period. Sometimes just the sheer quantity of information that needs to be retained is enough to have us running for the hills before exams begin. But it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. There are various methods to get help with the potentially overwhelming situation for students at exam time.
Students usually choose an easy way, especially whe they are running short on time for assignments due and request custom research paper online as getting a little help with certain tasks leaves them free to delve fully into revising their notes and preparing for exams. However, if you’re looking for something to keep your brain sharp throughout exam preparation and help maintain a good memory capacity, there are products known as power foods to ensure your brain is working at full speed when you need it most.
Mind-stimulating foods
There are several types of food that contribute to brain health in different ways. The following is a brief list of some of the best brain foods that can help to stimulate your mind and improve overall functioning:
- The most well-known brain food is fatty fish. This includes oily fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids such as sardines, salmon and trout. Omega-3s are used to develop nerve and brain cells which contribute to the gray matter in our brains that controls memory and mood.
- Another commonly-recognized brain food is nuts. Different types of nuts improve brain cognition due to the naturally-occuring large source of vitamin E that they contain. The vitamin E along with good fatty acids allows this favorite snack to develop memory and slow cognitive decline.
- Getting your 5-a-day is always beneficial and in this case, for improving brain functioning, broccoli is your must-have vegetable. Rich in antioxidants and vitamin K, broccoli is an excellent brain stimulator and it has been shown to enhance memory.
- Eggs contain various nutrients that contribute to improved memory and brain functioning such as B6, B12 and folic acid. These nutrients have also been found to help reduce brain shrinking in later years, therefore eggs help you to stay sharper for longer.
- Fruits are an incredible source of vitamins and minerals that help our bodies in a variety of ways. The best brain stimulating fruit is the blueberry. An excellent antioxidant that combats inflammation and develops better brain cell communication while enhancing memory capacities.
Other foods that help maintain good memory and cognitive reactions include some seeds such as pumpkin seeds, due to the multiple vitamins and minerals they contain; green tea is also an exceptional source of amino acids which help the brain to relax, thus improving alertness and performance which is ideal around exam time with many late nights studying, etc. Also, wholegrains are an excellent source of slow-releasing energy that help you to stay active and wide-awake for longer.
Brain-boosting products
In addition to modifying your diet to sharpen your memory and improve brain power, there are also other products available on the market today that allow students to heighten their focus when it is most needed.
Bear in mind that often exams are set for fall and winter time, which generally means immune systems are running on full, and the body is trying hard to fight off viruses and keep bacteria at bay throughout the colder months.
While eating healthily and managing your assignments as best as possible throughout the school year will help, your body may need a little extra assistance to improve concentration, memory or other cognitive functions. Natural supplements could be just what the doctor ordered if you’re feeling mentally or physically drained around exam time.
There are different natural or herbal supplements on the market for a super brain boost or even those that will help your body maintain a healthy immune system so you can be sure to be at 100% during exams.
Vitamins that are proven to boost brain power include folic acid and others from the B vitamin group, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Additionally omega-3 supplements are commonly used, especially for people who do not eat fish and lack in this essential healthy fat. Another herbal supplement people often use for improving memory is ginkgo biloba, a leaf from the Ginkgo tree, originally found in Asia.
All of these can be taken as natural supplements to heighten mental cognition and memory capacities but you should always consult your doctor before taking any supplements.
Get in mental shape for exam time
When it comes down to sitting exams, sometimes the stress of other assignments can throw us off balance and it’s important to be at our best while preparing and taking exams. That is why using brain foods to boost your memory, supplements to help you focus or taking advantage of online essay writing services can all be useful at such a demanding time.
You no longer need to be asking yourself ‘Is your brain strong enough?’ because it is not a case of pure brain strength. Just as we rely on help to finish different projects from teachers, peers or colleagues, we can use the various elements available to assist us in exam time too.
Cognitive health can start to decline as early as in your 20s so it is vital to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle so you can ensure your brain is working hard while you’re still studying.