If you hang around the gym long enough there is a good chance that you are going to hear someone talk about steroids and how they have changed their life. Well, it is no doubt that steroids can bulk you up and provide you with the strength and endurance that you are seeking, but they do come along with some nasty side effects. It is without a doubt save to assume that you have heard many of the horror stories. First thing you need to know is that steroids are illegal and it would be highly advisable to stay away from them. Of course, you aren’t going to listen to everything you hear, so if you are going to use steroids you will want to stick to the following tips to make sure that you are doing it safely.
Always Consider Less Toxic Steroids
If you search the market long enough you will quickly discover that there are a variation of steroids on the market. What you need to know is that some anabolic steroids are more harmful and taxing on the liver than other. Some of the less toxic and safer steroids are testosterone, Anavar, Dianabol, and Deca. Of course, this doesn’t mean that they are 100 percent safe. It just means that they can come with less negative side effects than other name brand steroids.
For instance, Anadrol and Trenbolone are two highly known steroids that are extremely great for quick muscle gains, but most experts would only recommend using these compounds sparingly. This is probably because most individuals that use them in excess usually end up complaining about high blood pressure, headaches, and liver problems. Trenbolone has also been shown to cause paranoia, anxiety, and depression.
Allow The Liver To Heal
It shouldn’t be a big surprise that liver damage is the most common side effect of steroid use. This is probably due to the fact that the liver actually breaks down the steroids. This is unless you are injecting the steroids, which just bypasses the liver altogether. Whatever the situation is, this is why it is imperative to never overdo your cycles. While it might be tempting to push your cycles a little further to get the most gains possible, you have to be extremely careful when consuming steroids. You do not want to strain the liver.
The liver is a very strong organ and it can literally repair itself if you give it time. Several weeks in between cycles should be a sufficient amount of time for the liver to properly heal. Just keep in mind that you do have the option of natural liver supplements like milk thistle, dandelion root, and silymarin. These supplements are all natural and they promote good liver health, so you might reduce your potential liver damage by taking them.
Opt For Other Supplements
The supplement world has greatly changed over the past couple of years. In fact, there are now a wide range of medications and supplements available on the market that can provide the same benefits of steroids without the risk of the negative side effects. One such medication is body clenbuterol. Clenbuterol has become extremely popular over the years thanks to its powerful fat burning and stimulation properties. In fact, there are a variety of athletes and actors that claim they could not have gotten their bodies to where they are today without the assistance of this powerful medication.
While it was originally developed to treat respiratory problems, it has quickly risen to the top of the charts amongst many athletes and body builders as a go-to supplement.
Watch Out For High Blood Pressure Symptoms
Just about all steroids are going to increase your testosterone levels, which is good for bodybuilding. However, with the increasing levels of testosterone this also causes the bad type of cholesterol (LDL) to rise in the body as well. The will eventually lead to increased blood pressure levels. It is possible that you might not experience any symptoms at all, but it is always highly advisable to keep an eye on your blood pressure when you are cycling. Any reading of 140/90 or above will probably result in a hospital visit or at least a call to the doctor.
Some symptoms that you want to keep an eye out for are blurry vision, headaches or migraines, dizziness or lightheadedness, irregular heartbeat, increased sweating, and shortness of breath. There is a variety of quality at home blood pressure kits that you can invest in. These kits will allows you to quickly, easily, and accurately monitor your blood pressure from home.