We all know that Google Mail, or Gmail, is the most popular email platform worldwide, with the number of its users constantly on the rise. The reasons for this trend are quite obvious. It’s free, easy to set up and there is a suite of Google services that are easy to use in tandem with Gmail, such as Google Calendar, Google Docs, and more. Also, it’s accessible across a wide range of devices. You can use it on your phone, laptop, desktop, or tablet.
Finally, there are integrations that allow you to work with loads of other workplace collaboration tools. When you integrate Gmail with the other tools you use on a daily basis, this email provider becomes even more productive and useful. To give you an idea of what integrations are available, we’ve prepared a list of the most popular ones.
Hive is one of the leading project management tools and this integration allows you to access all your Gmail messages from Hive, send and receive Gmail messages from the app, and enable connectivity between tools. This link between the two tools also allows you to assign the next steps in Hive from a Gmail email, which is great for meeting follow-ups and tracking the next steps.
If you’re interested in a workplace chat and collaboration tool, you might want to check out Slack. Namely, it streamlines all workplace communication into one app, and users can chat with teams, whole organizations, or individuals with a few clicks. You can transport an email from Gmail into a Slack channel or direct message. This is helpful when you want to discuss the contents of an email with a group of people, instead of just forwarding an email to individuals.
Google is famous for its simplicity and user experience and various CRM solutions can be well integrated with Gmail. Using one of the best Gmail CRM solutions will allow you to share your Gmail contacts with any Gmail or G-Suite user with no limits of contacts, groups, and collaborators.
Being one of the most popular file-sharing tools, Dropbox can be very well integrated with Gmail, thus allowing you to save and share files without leaving your Gmail inbox. Also, you shouldn’t worry about the size limits of files, because they’re stored in Dropbox, not Gmail.
Video conferencing has become so crucial to our lives, that we can’t imagine dealing with all the tasks without it, especially while we’re still struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic. Zoom is definitely one of the best and most popular apps for remote work and video conferencing and it can be integrated with Gmail, allowing you to schedule a meeting with someone you’re emailing or start a Zoom meeting immediately.
It can be very useful to know if people are actually reading your emails or not. That’s why you might want to opt for Bananatag, which allows you to track specific emails and get info on whether people are opening them and clicking on the links inside. You get notifications in your email when these actions are taken, so you can have a good insight into what different contacts do with your emails, gauge which ones are the most receptive and then target your efforts and build strong connections. Also, you get professional functionality, with detailed metrics presented in graphs, in an easy-to-use and completely free package.
Gmail Snooze
It may seem odd, but having an option to remove a certain email from your inbox while dealing with more pressing matters only to be able to have it show up as the latest message in your inbox after a day, week or any other time you specify can actually be very useful. It can help you to stay in touch with colleagues and business partners, while also serving as a good reminder of important upcoming events.
Needless to say, there are many other Gmail integrations that will definitely help you boost your productivity. However, those listed above are certainly among the most popular ones and absolutely worth considering. After all, Gmail is great because it’s quite flexible and can be upgraded to suit the needs of every user, regardless of their needs. So, look at the options available and you’ll probably find something you need or even come across something you haven’t thought about, but which can be extremely useful for you.