6 Responsibilities of a Business Security Guard

    security protection

    A security guard is tasked with maintaining a safe and secure business environment. Whether that is securing employees’ safety or simultaneously protecting customers, the responsibilities of a security guard can vary according to the exact job description. 

    A security guard does not work on their own. A team surrounds them. This may only involve as few as one other person. Any security personnel is expected to meet the expectations of their role and contribute to the overall security team in accomplishing the intended results.

    Here are a series of skills, tasks, and responsibilities a security guard will have:

    1. Secures the Premises

    A security guard is expected to secure premises, typically through patrols and surveillance equipment. This is done in collaboration with other security professionals on-site. With a security guard on-site, access points are monitored to ensure that suspicious persons are denied entry or identified.

    If suspicious activity is identified or a security guard is stationed at an access point, inspecting goods and equipment is often an important part of maintaining safety on-site.

    2. Maintain Stability

    A security guard’s responsibility is to appear professional at all times and to conduct themselves accordingly. In work or public settings, the security guard is one of the top authorities and must conduct themselves in a not joking or inappropriate way.

    Security guards are major communicators of stability and reputation. The presence of security can communicate safety in the right circumstances. However, it is also possible for security to be inappropriately aggressive or confrontational in their conduct which is to be avoided at all costs.

    3. Have Good Judgment

    A security guard is judged to make fast, effective decisions in sometimes risky and uncertain situations. Poor judgment can mean exposure and losses, and damages. It’s every security guard’s responsibility to have good judgment at all times.

    The best way for security guards to improve their judgment is through professional training. Security guards can take courses that teach them how to behave in various business scenarios. There are programs like Security Guard Training Ontario, which will train your staff on judgment, intuition, and observation.

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    4. Prevent Losses

    Security is there to identify violators and trespassers and prevent losses and damages from occurring. This may involve restraining individuals who are not complying with policies or informing violators of the policies in place. Any further irregularities are reported, and security incidents are often processed through the paperwork.

    Should a breach occur or a security violation, a security guard’s role is to minimize, handle, and subdue the situation. This should be done with as little force as possible and with reasonable, calm actions, followed by the appropriate steps.

    5. Notify Authorities

    In situations that fall outside the scope of what a security guard is expected to do or if it is identified in the policies and procedures outlined by the employer, it’s a security guard’s responsibility to know when authorities above them have to be contacted.

    It is expected for the security personnel to aid in ensuring legal requirements are being adhered to at all times. This may involve informing customers or employees of changes when/if they occur.

    6. Authors Reports

    In the event of a security incident, policies and procedures often necessitate filling out a report. Depending on the format of said report, it’s not uncommon for a security guard to expect to record their observations. In the reports, they will share as much information as possible regarding an incident. They may also submit surveillance evidence if there are any.

    Since a security guard might need to file reports, written communication skills will come in handy. A security guard might also be asked to answer questions and provide information verbally. They should be prepared to describe the situations and articulate the events to law enforcement personnel.


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