When looking for companies from which to purchase items, most people use the internet. They type search queries into Google, they click on ads from social media, and they spend money on what they want or need.
There are many companies out there, vying for consumer attention. Yet, most people only hear of a handful of them, and fewer still make purchases at the sites they find.
So what’s the difference?
Let’s start with two words: web design. You have to have a good web layout. And you can get that through website design companies.
But how do you choose a company? Here are 7 tips!
1. Look for Experienced Website Design Companies
You want your website to look as good as possible. After all, it represents your company. A poor web design reflects negatively on you.
As a result, you want a company that has lots of experience, preferably in your field. Choose the company with lots of proven success over the newer one.
2. Get a List of Clients
Not sure if a web design company is for you?
Call them and ask them to give you a list of clients with whom they’ve worked in the past. Pay particular attention to whether or not the previous clients seem to be in your field.
Once you get off the phone, run the clients’ names through a search engine and check out their websites. Do you like the design company’s work? Would seeing the client’s website motivate you to buy anything or use their services?
If you answer “no” to either of these questions, keep looking through the web design companies. If you answer “yes,” keep digging for information on the company. You just might have found gold.
You can also ask a company to see case studies or portfolios of different clients they have worked with. This will give you a better understanding of their services.
3. Look for CMS Knowledge
All good web design experts agree: content management systems (CMS) are necessary for running your website well.
If you don’t use a CMS system, you won’t be able to keep up with modern website advances. Any worthwhile company will know how to use CMS platforms, such as WordPress or Magento.
If anyone offers you anything less than a CMS platform — or says you don’t need one — wish them a nice day and move on. Their services will not benefit you.
4. Pay Attention to How You’re Treated
How do the company’s employees treat you?
When you call them, do they sound excited about you and your ideas? Are the employees professional, flexible, and friendly? Do you get along with them well enough to have a working relationship?
Of course, one negative employee might not be representative of the entire business. But if you find yourself repeatedly having difficulty with the employees, you should probably find another one.
Why does how you’re treated matter?
When you hire a web design company, you’ll be working closely with the employees to make your website. You want people who value your ideas and input and do their best to make them happen, not people who dismiss you or are rude to you.
5. Ask Them How They Measure Your Progress
You shouldn’t just create a website, launch it, then leave it.
In fact, if you plan on doing that, you’re probably wasting your time and money. Running a website is an activity, requiring constant upkeep, analyzation, and improvement.
Your web design company should help you set goals and measure your progress toward those goals. Together, you both should be dedicated to growing your website over the long-term, not just creating the site and being done with it.
If a web design company says it plans on leaving you on your own after the website launch, cross them off your list.
6. Check Out How Much They Cost
This serves several purposes.
First, you can make sure their services are within your budget. Second, it will show give you an idea of how much their services are worth.
Don’t just go with the cheapest company. Why?
While there are definitely solid, less expensive businesses out there, a cheap price tag can indicate subpar service. It’s better to aim for an average-priced web design company than to be frugal and get an insufficient product.
Making the Price Tag Work
If you’re a small business, though, we understand that you might not have an infinite budget. We advise you to make your website a priority since it could be a key tool in your revenue and growth.
Should you need to restrict your spending, look to do it in other ways, such as taking advantage of Target deal days the next time your office needs something.
7. Take Your Time
If you have a business, you might feel as if you need a website right away.
And you’re right; you do need a good website as soon as possible. But the keyword here is good. A poorly-designed website won’t do you any favors and could hurt your business.
That’s why you shouldn’t just go with the first company you come across. Instead, you should evaluate a few and compare them side-by-side. Then, hire the one that best fits your budget and goals and produces a good product.
Want More Business Advice?
If you want to get your website off the ground, you need to hire one of the many website design companies.
They will help you develop, design, and launch your website and assist you with managing it as you go forward. A good company can take your online presence from non-existent to stellar.
Want more advice for your small business? Check out the other articles on our website!