You have an issue that will require some type of oral surgery. The team at Markham Smile Dental Centre are ready to perform the procedure and also have some tips that will help you prepare for the surgery. By putting these and other suggestions to good use, you can rest easier and your recovery is more likely to proceed without any complications.
Arrange Transportation To and From the Surgery
Even with less invasive dental surgery, you are likely to receive some form of sedation. That means you don’t need to drive for at least the rest of the day after undergoing the procedure. The best thing to do is arrange for a friend or relative to drive you to and from the procedure.
Another perk of leaving the driving to someone else is that the person who comes along can also be present when the surgical team goes over the reminders of what the patient can and can’t do for the rest of the day. While you may not remember all of those instructions, the person who is with you will. Between the person’s memory and the information provided in printed form, you will be in a position to know what to do after the effects of the sedation wear off.
Buy Your Medications and Other Supplies in Advance
The surgical team at Markham Dental Centre will provide you with a list of things you will need for the recuperation period. That will include little things like the proper over the counter medications to use for pain, ice packs, straws you can use to drink beverages, and any other essentials. The list may include prescriptions that you can fill now and have ready to take while you recover. Some may help with pain while others may be antibiotics that help to minimize the risk of infection.
Go Over Your Prescription and Over the Counter Medications With Your Surgeon
It’s a good idea to go over all products you take daily with your surgeon. That includes prescription medications and over the counter nutritional supplements. The goal is to determine if any of those products could complicate the dental surgery you will be having shortly.
For example, you may take a medication or a supplement that tends to thin the blood. Discontinuing use of it for 48 hours prior to the surgery may be recommended. In like manner, any products that have sedative effects might need to be avoided for at least a day before the surgery. The dental team will provide guidelines for resuming use of those products after the procedure.
Have Someone Stay With You The First Day Home
Even if you are able to go home an hour or so after the procedure, you don’t need to be by yourself that first day. If the person who drove you to and from the surgery at the Markham Dental Centre can’t remain with you, make sure someone is home to make sure you are doing fine. While you will likely sleep a lot during the first few hours after you are home, it’s good to have someone there who can help you with medication or prepare something to eat that’s in line with the instructions provided by the surgical team.
Schedule Time Off From Work If Necessary
Perhaps you only need to take it easy for the rest of the day. At other times, you may need to take a few days off work. Make sure you’ve applied and been approved for the time off. That will allow you to recuperate from the dental surgery and know that your sick or vacation time will ensure your paycheck isn’t affected. Knowing you won’t miss out on any money will help you relax and focus more on recuperating.
Make Plans to Keep the Surgery Site Clean For the First Few Days
Part of the instructions you receive in advance have to do with keeping the surgical site clean in the days after the procedure. Part of the supplies you purchased ahead of time included mouth rinses and other products that will help with this. Remember that if you smoke, that is off the table until after your first follow-up with the dental surgeon.
Your goal is to do everything possible to make the recovery as comfortable and uncomplicated as possible. Put those suggestions to good use and you’ll be surprised at how well your recuperation period goes.