Did you know that since 2015 at least one-third of shoppers make purchases using smartphones? Around 80% of shoppers will use their devices to check reviews or compare prices before making purchases in a brick and mortar store. As more people turn to their phones for much of their information about goods and services, you need to make sure your mobile advertising plan is ready for the upcoming year. Here are a few reasons why this part of your advertising effort should not be an afterthought.
So Many Ad Options
Smartphone screens offer plenty of space to display all sorts of ads. You can go with static ads that display easily on a mobile website, or you can go with pop-up ads that include audio and video. You’ll find that many consumers love these short options for digital video advertising because they can learn a lot about a product in a short amount of time. By choosing to develop video advertising that looks great on a smaller screen and is timed to make the point before the consumer’s attention wanders, you stand a chance to increase your sales significantly.
You Can Tap into Advertising on Social Media
When you think mobile advertising, websites come to mind immediately. That’s because that’s what you learned in the early days of advertising on the Internet. What you should consider now is spending part of your advertising budget on ad ideation and creation geared toward displays on social media sites.
Your motivation is simple: more people are using social media to search for the things they want. It helps that most social media sites that display ads use algorithms designed to choose ads based on what people are seeking. It doesn’t hurt if your ads are easy for the reader to share on his or her timeline. That approach to relationship marketing could allow your ads to reach people who would not see them otherwise.
Try to make audience connections vis social mobile advertising and see what happens. You are likely to find that the hits to your website and the amount of turnkey sales increases noticeably.
Better Tools for Displaying Ads on the Right Sites
The concept of programmatic advertising has changed the way advertisers thing about displaying ads. Thanks to this approach, it’s possible to bid for space on specific sites and attract more attention from your target audience. The result will be better returns per ad and an increase in net sales that provides more money to grow your business. While you can use this in any online environment, an aggressive mobile campaign will help you reach the growing number of people who reach for a phone rather than sit at a computer to find the things they want to buy.
Competitive Pricing for Mobile Ads
Did you know that the pricing for mobile ads is competitive with the costs of other advertising options? While it’s not time to neglect those other advertising resources, certain consumer groups are better reached in a mobile environment. Study your customer demographics closely and find out where they tend to go when they want to shop. If it’s online retailers or to find an ad they saw on social media, that’s where a substantial percentage of your advertising budget should go.
Now is the time to plan for the year to come. Think about what has worked and what could be improved. With the right approach to advertising, and to mobile advertising specifically, the coming year could be your best yet.