4 Key Features to Look for in an Employee Digital Signage Solution

    With digital signage becoming an increasingly popular way for organizations to communicate with employees, it’s important to select a solution that fits your specific needs. When evaluating options, there are three main features to prioritize: easy content management, flexible display options, and analytics and reporting. 

    Easy Content Management

    The content management system (CMS) is the backbone of any employee digital signage . It allows you to quickly create, schedule, and update content from a central interface. Look for an intuitive CMS that enables both your IT team and non-technical users to publish content with minimal training required. Drag and drop editors, pre-designed templates, and the ability to effortlessly incorporate various media types (video, images, live data feeds etc.) will maximize adoption across your organization.

    Also ensure that your CMS seamlessly integrates with other workplace apps and data sources. For instance, connecting it with your HRIS provides the ability to automatically pull in employee birthdays for digital displays. Integration with meeting room schedules, Salesforce data,SharePoint documents, and more can help display timely relevant information. APIs should also be available to feed customized data as needed. 

    Flexible Display Options

    Today’s digital signage solutions are compatible with a wide range of display equipment. Though your organization may be relying on existing TVs and monitors, future-proofing with more advanced options is ideal. Look for support across multiple devices including LCD panels, video walls, touch-enabled kiosks, and emerging display technologies.

    The signage platform should transcode content for optimal playback across any screens you utilize. And for distributed organizations, web-based remote publishing allows assigning specific content to individual locations based on their unique needs. For maximum impact, a robust signage engine will ensure your visual communications are clear, responsive and effective on every display.

    Analytics and Reporting

    Measuring employee communication software to engage employees is key to maximizing ROI and intelligently guiding strategy. Look for a platform that provides detailed usage analytics on both content and devices. Data like most viewed content, peak scrolling times, runtime hours, and screen on/off trends help optimize content. Device analytics such as CPU usage, storage status, connectivity, and error logs allow proactive tech monitoring.

    Reporting and scheduled reports are also vital for sharing insights with stakeholders. Administrative audit trails, user activity tracking, and content revision histories protect security and transparency. Advanced signage solutions even leverage anonymous viewer analytics via sensors and cameras to deliver demographic and engagement data – valuable for understanding audience response.

    Intuitive Content Management

    The content management system (CMS) is the foundation of any robust digital signage solution. It empowers users to quickly create, schedule, and update content from a centralized hub. Ideally, the CMS should offer both simplicity for non-technical users and advanced functionality for power users.

    Look for drag-and-drop page layout editors with pre-designed templates to get started quickly. Employees without design experience can easily customize and publish professional, branded content. Dynamic placeholders allow dropping in images, videos, RSS feeds, social media widgets, countdown timers, live data integrations and more with just a few clicks. A WYSIWYG preview mode lets you see exactly how your content will appear on displays before publishing.


    Implementing a future-ready digital signage platform goes far beyond basic content playback. With an intuitive CMS, wide device support, and robust analytics, organizations can build employee communications that are targeted, interactive, and measurable across multiple locations. Evaluating solutions based on these key criteria will lead to smarter long-term investments as your digital signage needs evolve.

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