3 Ways to Sharpen Your Sales Skills

    As someone who works in sales, you are probably always looking for ways to hone your skills and land more customers. Whether you have been in sales for decades and have plenty of accolades under your professional belt or are relatively new to the game and are trying to learn as much as you can, you can’t go wrong with refusing to rest on your laurels and trying to better yourself at work.

    Fortunately, as long as you have the drive and desire to sharpen your sales skills, there are plenty of tips and tricks you can try. For example, consider the following three ideas:

    People First, Sales Second

    Yes, you work in sales and yes, you really want to impress your boss with how many new accounts you opened this month. But guess what—potential customers can see right through your intentions, and if you think of them only as sources of money instead of real people, they may be turned off by your company and walk out the door. Instead, ask plenty of questions about what they are looking for in the transaction. Ask them if what you are explaining makes sense, and ask if they have questions for you. Then listen—really listen—and try to connect with each customer. This will show them that you genuinely care about them and aren’t merely looking at their wallets.

    Sale on the Side

    If you want to be a better pianist, you have to practice. If you want to be a better cook, you have to get yourself in the kitchen. The same goes for sales. If you want to improve your sales skills, you need more opportunities to sell. In order to do this, you may want to consider a side gig that gives you the chance. For example, with Amway you can sell on the side while gaining valuable experience and even coaching from mentors within the company. This direct sales company has been around for decades and training salespeople for just as long. Even just the act of partnering with a direct sales company can give you the chance to practice your sales skills, as some people immediately shy away from this business model or ask is Amway a pyramid scheme? As a distributor, you’ll have 30 seconds to convince them otherwise.

    Watch for Burnout

    One of the best ways to hone your sales skills is to take a break now and then. While it might seem counter-intuitive to schedule a few days off when you are trying so hard to improve your numbers, if you burn out at your job your performance will definitely drop. This is one reason that the concept of a work-life balance is so popular lately—you definitely want to work hard while you are in the office, but learn to recognize and respect signs of fatigue. Strive to get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet and re-fill your proverbial tank now and again with a vacation day—your body and brain will thank you, and your boss will as well for your outstanding performance.

    Practice + People + Self-Care = Better Sales Figures

    Sharpening your sales skills will be an ongoing mission for as long as you work in your chosen field; it’s all part of constantly striving to be better. By focusing on your people skills first, combined with some solid practice and taking great care of yourself, you will be sure to shine as a salesperson and impress both yourself and your managers.


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