Leaders Create Leaders: Motivational Series By Gerard Adams

    Gerard Adams is a young entrepreneur and millennial branding expert. The philanthropist and business executive is best known as co-founder of Elite Daily “voice of Generation Y”, which sold to the Daily Mail in 2015 for $50 million. From an early age, Adams always said he was born with a natural hustler’s mentality, which is most likely the reason that he became a self-made millionaire by the age of 24. Adams has already accomplished more than a lifetime’s worth of professional success for most people.  So, what could be next? He is spreading the wealth! On March 22, 2016, Adams launched a new series on YouTube, “Leaders Create Leaders”. This array of youtube videos is devoted to showcasing what it takes to be a successful, young, millennial entrepreneur. The videos serve the purpose of highlighting other leaders and innovators around the globe.

    Adams main purpose of creating this series was to inspire and mentor others who want to be successful and rise all the way to the top. He believes fulfillment comes from creating your own life, on your own terms, from challenging what you’ve been told and striking the balance between grinding and living. “If you want to change the world the first step is to change the way you look at it,” Adams tells us of his newest venture. Even after all his amazing success and having everything he could have ever wanted, he realized that he desired more than just material wealth. Figuring out that his passion was really about giving back, he was ready to take the plunge. Great leaders know that ongoing success is about paving the way for the next generation. His current mission is to teach today’s youth to elevate their vision, cultivate their passion, motivate their spirit, and guide their mindset for monumental success that’s influential on our generation and the show them that they have the ability to make history.

    What's standing between you and success?

    The “Leaders Create Leaders” series takes us behind the scenes on a real entrepreneurial journey. By watching, you will step into the world of top mentors, brilliant innovators, legendary founders, and passionate leaders. Each episode will focus on a specific theme related to insider secrets for building your empire, staying true to your purpose, and leaving a legacy of inspiration and game-changing contribution behind for generations to come. You can also expect interviews, behind the scenes, action items, and motivation to rise. Make sure to start watching! The time to make history is NOW!


    • Joselin Estevez

      Social Media Director

      Social Media Director at X Factor Media

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