Know the Best Yoga Type for the One You Are Doing

    Are you a Yoga enthusiast? If no, then the time has come to roll out your yoga mats and discover the extensive combination of the mental along with physical exercises. This deadly combo-pack have smitten all the yoga practitioners all around the globe.

    Irrespective of your age and gender, or whether you are a yogi or yogini, the power of yoga is such that it has the ultimate power to beautify your mind and body as well.

    When you are ready for practicing yoga, don’t get exhilarated by the elaborated yoga studios and other intricate Yoga Poses. This is because Yoga is for everyone. Now when you have known the ultimate secret for yoga and its poses, have a look at the same which is actually used as the building blocks for Yoga.

    Have a read!


    • Mountain Pose – Tadasana


    What People Normally Do: Stand upright with feet being parallel. The big toes should touch each other and your line of sight should be in parallel to the ground.

    Where is the Mistake: Don’t squish your feet together in yoga. The heels and your toes must touch but there should be at least a half or one-inch gap.

    Don’t tuck your hips. Think of a proper hip alignment for the correct functioning of your spinal cord.


    Pic Credit: Style Craze


    • Chair Pose – Utkatasana


    What People Normally Do: You need to bent your ankles and thighs as parallel as possible to the ground. If you are looking for a more advanced pose, then try for the feet coming closer and inhaling as you raise your hands in the air.

    Where is the Mistake: When you are doing the cow pose incorrectly, you risk your spine. So try to keep the spine long.

    Pic Credit: Yogapedia


    • Forward Fold Pose – Uttanasana


    What People Normally Do: Initialize with the mountain pose. While maintaining the straightness of your spine, fold from your hip on exhale. Now let your head hand with some heaviness while relaxing the jaw. If you are at an intermediate or beginner’s stage, you can keep your width a little more while practicing.

    Where is the Mistake: Many people tend to press their knee back rather than lifting the same. Also, you would need to avoid the knee hypertension.

    Pic Credit: Everyday Health


    • Downward Facing Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana


    What People Normally Do: Start all over from the Mountain Pose. And touch the ground with a “V” shape forward. While doing this, make sure that you exhale and inhale thoroughly and your sight should be towards the belly or legs.

    Where is the Mistake: Don’t stress your wrists and keep the contact with the ground firm. Also, make sure that there is coordination between arms and shoulders. Additionally, don’t go for the arched or rounded back.

    Pic Credit: Ee Yuva


    • Warrior One – Virabhadrasana 1


    What People Normally Do: From downward faced dog pose, step your right foot forward. Next. Turn your right foot in and raise your torso while on inhale and exhale continuously. Face your hips forward and pull your ribs inside your body.

    Where is the Mistake: Don’t stretch yourself in going too far from your body or the front ones. However, don’t narrow too much or you will lose balance. Additionally, avoid overarching your lower back.

    Pic Credit: Live Taos

    Now when you realize your mistakes while performing these Yoga Poses, make sure that you rectify and start all over again sans these mentioned mistakes.

    So stay happy and continue with Yoga and inner and outer beauty and glow.

    Author Bio:

    Guest Post by Freya Lowe, Founding Editor at


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