Confessions of a Like-aholic

    Hi. My name is Jessica.

    -And I am a like-aholic.

    According to Urban Dictionary, “a like-aholic” is someone on various social media forums who double taps on pretty much everything as they scroll through their feed- every photo, one by one. Instead of writing a more meaningful comment, they press the ‘like’ button- because well, who has the time? This becomes an addictive quality buried deep within an individual. Traditionally, it is a hot topic amongst friends and it is apparent to everyone in their circle except for them. Some dramatic case studies have even highlighted certain people widespread across the internet for this condition.

    This may be slightly embarrassing, but it can be controlled.

    I am well aware of how ridiculous this may sound, however I typically only follow friends, family and very specific celebrities that I feel connected to in my head. So… it only makes sense that I would throw support and likes as the bevy of folks I follow update and upload throughout the day. I am not one of those internet trolls who sits there analyzing everyone’s post, passing judgement, and deciding if I want to throw shade. I see it. I like you. I like it. It’s that unassuming and not that serious at all.

    Since it’s all visual and superficial, my perspective attempts to spin an endearing undertone. My double-taps simply mean I see what you’re doing, carry on, and go get em’! That is all I look to accomplish.

    However, for most people their level of engagement is much more intense in the environment. It involves strategy. People look to ensure their photos receive double digit status, or their inspirational quotes become fueled by the outpour of acknowledgements from random strangers. It’s just so absurd how far off from reality we have all become for taking this stuff so literal and personal. Even so much so, terms like #Instaetiquette were forced to become an actual thing. You know what I mean. Follow for follow? Get a life. And even after, with all that said, individuals will always notice the friends or acquaintances that didn’t like their status rather than the regulars- you know the people that are your guaranteed social followers come hail or high water- commonly referred to as the “main associates”.

    But it’s worse than we realize…

    I, myself don’t actually ever expect to be called out for my chosen behavior of “over-liking”- until it happened frequently because I was busted “liking” 17 pictures of James Franco in a row and my good friends alerted me, “We can see you…”

    I think that is crazier. That is a bigger problem. Mind your business what I like… (I say this with love.)

    People are truly invested and concerned with what everyone else is doing on social media. I confess, I am a like-acholic and proud. I will continue to establish friendly and positive vibes extending my taps from desktops to smart phones, from Facebook to Instagram, from my bff to James Franco.

    • Show Comments

    • Derrick R Kearney

      Is it okay if I like this?

      • Thomas F. La Vecchia

        Can i like your

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